IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks
14–16 November 2022 // Chandler, AZ, USA

Student Travel Grants

On a competitive basis, 2022 IEEE NFV-SDN Conference offers a number of student grants to students who have registered and co-authored an accepted peer-reviewed paper for the conference. IEEE ComSoc sponsors these grants to encourage participation by students who would normally find it difficult to attend. Women, minorities, undergraduate or beginning graduate students, and first time NFV-SDN conference attendees, are especially encouraged to apply. No more than one student per institution will be supported. No postdocs, faculty, or other senior research personnel may be supported by the grant. These student grants will enable sharing scientific information and stimulating research interests for students in the field of communications and networking.

Application Eligibility

  1. Each applicant must be a Student Member or Graduate Student Member of the IEEE Communications Society at the time he/she applies for the grant;
  2. Each applicant must be a co-author of an accepted paper in 2022 IEEE NFV-SDN and present it at the conference;
  3. Each applicant must be a full-time student registered toward a Bachelor, Masters, or PhD degree in computer science, engineering or related field in a college or university when submitting the application;
  4. During the expense reimbursement stage, the student applicant must show the proof of having registered to attend 2022 IEEE NFV-SDN.

How to Apply for Student Travel Grant

Applicants should fill and submit the following form. Please make sure to use your professional email address and current affiliation, don’t forget to hit ‘submit’ once done.

NFV-SDN 2022 STG Application Form

What to Submit

Please make sure to upload in the provided link all the required materials as PDF, document or image files:

  1. A support letter from the student’s advisor.
  2. The applicant’s up-to-date resume including citizenship (required), if this is the first-time attendance of NFV-SDN or not, ethnicity and gender (optional, used to broaden the participation of under-represented students).
  3. A half-to-one-page letter from the student to state the purpose of attending the conference.

We remind you that students who are awarded a student travel grant must register and attend the conference in person.

Important Notes

Payment will be made only to grant recipients who submit an expense report with all the receipts no more than 45 days after the conference. More details will be provided to the students who are selected to receive a Student Travel Grant.

Important Dates

Application Deadline: 31 October 2022

Acceptance Notification: 7 November 2022

Please address any questions to the Student Travel Grant Chair with a mandatory title: “2022 NFV-SDN STG Question: Your Last Name”.

Non-Discrimination Policy

IEEE is committed to the principle that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, services, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by IEEE policy and/or applicable laws. For more information on the policy, visit IEEE website.


We extend our sincere appreciations to IEEE ComSoc for supporting 2022 IEEE NFV-SDN student grants.

2022 Patrons

  • Intel logo
